Community Screen Networks
Award winning expertise and experience
Effective state of the art technology
Significant marketing results
Who is CSN?
COMMUNITY SCREEN NEWTWORKS as PowwowTV (PTV) is a company specialising in digital media technology that offers cities in the UK a unique interactive medium to communicate with their local community in an interactive format. The technology can use existing and new large format screens in public venues (Big LED Screens).
What Technology?
The unique PTV technology will deliver a two way communications medium where the public can engage, learn, showcase and interact on matters relevant to their local community
It will transform existing screens from passive ‘digital noticeboards’ into a fully interactive, media-rich platform in the heart of your city. This spearhead technology can be used to communicate to communities and can be used by communities. It draws together the interests from local businesses, community/interest groups, and individuals facilitated by their own local councils by enabling them to upload their own content directly to the screen via the website or mobile app. The premise means that the screen ceases to be a one-way communication but becomes a proactive tool for the city and its partners.
The opportunity
Screens have proven to be a great asset for cities, allowing them to support different events, providing a public focal and meeting point for people to come together to spectate, participate and enjoy. The can play a key role in promoting national events, bringing people with shared interests together. Such events as the Olympics, the Royal Wedding, the Diamond Jubilee and the annual Royal Opera House relays have all pulled significant crowds to the screens nationwide, creating a greater sense of community and belonging.
Following the successful pilot of a similar project with Big Screens in Dublin, stakeholders and funders who were interested in investing in a screen network approached PTV. The Dublin model demonstrated how the screen became part of the city centre experience, offering community groups and the council an ‘on street’ presence which was both engaging and high profile.
PTV has the unique expertise and experience to bring screens to life and to deploy them in a manner that creates a new form of local communication medium. This can be achieved without any cost and low risk and potentially yield a profit share dividend to the local council.
Our commitment is to produce quality relevant community content that the public will find enjoyable, educational, entertaining and engaging.
We will community cast events and features for the local community and by the local community.
PTV has been working with certain councils and are currently running the city centre big screens in Plymouth, Derry, Hemel Hempstead and going live soon in Boscombe. We have provided a long term solution that will ensure the continued deployment of the screens with a view to expanding the network across both existing cities and others in the UK.
The opportunity is for a new partnership to be formed between PTV and Bournemouth to develop a screen and support the community. This new partnership requires no financial contribution from Bournemouth; supply, maintenance, management and replacement of the screens will be the responsibility of PTV (as per the agreement between the two parties); every screen will be powered by the bespoke PTV technology; content will be supplied by the community and local interest groups, local and national businesses, Council, BID, public bodies, sponsors and event organisers. The screens will become a virtual and physical meeting point, pushing the convergence of technology and people to create a new social media platform, a fusion of all different community interests, embracing and broadcasting the soul and spirit of a 21st century city.
How PTV technology creates a whole new purpose for community screens
Community screens in the heart of Bournemouth –
The unique combination of large screen formats, in prime locations with advanced interactive technology creates an exciting new opportunity for the screen and for Bournemouth. The PTV technology brings immediacy, accessibility and flexibility to the screens. It connects the screens to the council, the public and in turn brings people together. It takes ownership of the screen content away from the institutions, advertisers and corporate bodies and instead makes it the property of the town while serving its community.
Easy upload
To date, most screens get content through ethernet and satellite or uploaded through local hardware. Cities have found it hard to get content and the technology available, meant long lead times and technical production requirements, restricted editing capacity and limited response times, all of which would impact on the quality, relevance and ownership of the content shown. PTV technology addresses all these issues and unlocks enormous potential in respect to how the screens can be deployed. The new technology allows content to be uploaded in real time, remotely (either though the website or a mobile app) and simply. It allows various user groups i.e. content owners, advertisers, community groups, and councils etc, to post up media rich content directly to the screen or screens quickly and easily via the website or app. They can consequently create a real time dialogue with the screens via their desktop or mobile.
Full control
The technology empowers the user groups to control and manage what is shown on the screens and when it is screened. As the owner of the screen, Bournemouth and associated parties will have the greatest single presence. Because uploading content is so simple and fast, the screens can be used in a dynamic capacity, supporting local events, festivals Public notices etc. Similar to YouTube, councils will be able to create their own community ‘channel’ which will be accessed through the website. Authorised users will be able to schedule, monitor and manage all their own content via the website, thus controlling what is shown on screen within an agreed schedule, relying on the central operations facility to manage the remainder of the content and also the city content when required
Typically screens are passive; they show streamed content or play videos to a planned schedule. PTV’s advanced technology changes all this. It transforms the screens into a fully interactive, dynamic environment that allows the audience to control the screens through their mobile phones or website. When the public upload content, i.e. specific campaigns, competitions or events, users will be able to upload videos, texts, images etc via the website or mobile app directly to the screen (subject to monitoring). Community and users groups can provide user generated content to the screen, creating an entirely new social media platform.
A dedicated private & secure website will be developed for the screen. This interface will be the online presence and access point for the screen both for the public and authorised users (who will have access to restricted areas). The website will show all festivals, events, sponsorships, campaigns, competitions across all screen. Users will be able to upload their video etc. via the site. The website will be designed and maintained by PTV.
Content will be drawn from three sources;
1) Council and community groups
2) Free to air broadcast & publicly-available material
3) Commercial interests (primarily sponsorship and advertising that will benefit local business)
All uploads will be fed into a central content management system whereupon the items will be monitored and reviewed by a dedicated team of PTV content managers. An approval process will be adhered to and content will be approved according to an agreed criteria and editorial guidelines.
3 sources of content:
– Bournemouth council and community groups can use the screens to promote and publicise any event, festival, campaign, public notices. Community groups such as community services, cultural groups, charities, patient support, sports, educational services etc. will be able to promote themselves and causes, giving them the opportunity to raise their profile at no cost
– Free to air content from the BBC, ITV and other providers, which may include sporting and cultural events etc. hosted both for national and local purpose
– Commercial content will come from sponsorships and local advertising. The screen can bring a entirely new dynamic to a sponsorship property and give brands the platform to truly interact with their audience
Benefits for Council, Bid and the area
– Creates a focal point and destination in the heart of the Town. A melting pot representing the residents, interests and spirit
– Addresses the issue of how to get content onto screen and from where to draw interesting relevant content
– Provides a high profile medium to promote the Councils interests and that of its constituents
– Launches a completely new way to deploy screens using state of the art technology, creating a completely new social media platform and unique and dynamic community environment
– Potential to link into national network of screens to create synergies across a common platform and brand
– A new opportunity for Council to engage and interact with the community
– A truly interactive tool used to promote all events, campaigns, festivals etc. around the area
– No costs or financial commitment for the Council
– Making the city centre a safer place as has been proven in certain cities to date
– Maintenance and management of screens undertaken by PTV on behalf of and at no cost to the Council
– Screens will be replaced or new screens added according to an agreed roll out and expansion programme again at no cost to the council
Commitments from PTV
– To carry all costs associated with running and maintenance the screens and technology
– To carry cost of set-up and connection of the screen to PTV
– To provide an experienced, dedicated team working directly with the Councils developing and progressing best practice use
– All maintenance of screens undertaken by PTV
– Provision of full training and guidelines for Council personnel on how to use from upload through to micro-site management
– A dedicated sales team working with potential sponsors and advertisers
– All branded promotions and material for the screens supplied by PTV including on screen bugs, stings, PR, presentations, sales material etc
– Design, development and maintenance of central website and mobile app
– Content management and monitoring function provided. General set of guidelines and criteria provided as well as individual considerations stipulated according to use
– Reinvestment and roll out programme by agreement including replacement of old screens or installation of new
– Criteria and guidelines on how to use screens to support events, competitions, festivals etc.
– Data capturing and performance tracking reports on usage
– Continued development and upgrade of technology and user experience
– PTV to create new brand for screens
– PTV to have dedicated staff to manage local content and events on screen
Commercial considerations
– Screens are on 16 hours per day 365 days per year
– Agreement will be reached to determine the share of Air time for across council and communities, free to air and commercial
– Income is generated primarily through sponsorship and advertising
– All running costs, maintenance and upgrades associated with the programme are covered
– Bournemouth will receive 10% of the turnover annually
– In the event of PTV falling into liquidation, the Bid will keep and will be granted an indefinite licence to use the software and technology
– A replacement and roll out programme for additional screens will be devised in partnership with Bournemouth, according to your requirements
PTV team
PTV bring a very specialist and experienced team, all of whom are experts in their field. The sole responsibility of the team is to oversee the operations and development of the screens, working directly with Bournemouth and all stakeholders.
For further information please contact:
Billy Brennan on +353 87 225 4026