Google Business View Workshops
Would you like to appear higher in Google’s search rankings for your type of business, for very little cost or effort? We’re running short, easy-to-understand workshops with Google expert and Business View Photographer, David Faulder. These will be run for BID levy payers and are totally free to attend. The Town Centre BID ran workshops last year and they were incredible popular with those that attended.
The workshops are on the following dates/times.
Workshop 1 – Monday 12th May 10am – 11am
Workshop 2 – Monday 12th May 2pm – 3pm
Cottonwood Hotel, East Overcliff Drive, BH12 3AP
Workshop 3 – Tuesday 13th May 2pm – 3pm
Workshop 4 – Tuesday 13th May 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Hallmark Hotel, Durley Chine Road, BH2 5JS
Please book your place by emailing [email protected]