Health & wellbeing tourism may be an ambiguous term, but it has great growth potential. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore and exploit that potential. Destination FeelGood is a new collaboration between the National Coastal Tourism Academy and Bournemouth University. Join us at our free unique Ideas Café and benefit from the latest research on the size and scope of the domestic health & wellbeing tourism market, networking with businesses already operating in this space, and the opportunity for a free, bespoke consultancy project assigned to BU hospitality students.
This is the first of three Ideas Cafes. Signing up means you’ll also benefit from best practice in Food Innovation & Legislation and Employee Wellbeing at two further Ideas Cafes this winter. We hope you’ll join us in working together to enhance business performance through health & wellbeing tourism.
Please RSVP via EventBrite by clicking here
Or for more information, contact the National Coastal Tourism Academy:
[email protected] 01202 962566