See Santa (Bookings required), Street animation & entertainment, 147 Choir

9 March 2022newadmin

Bournemouth Coastal BID has hailed Boscombe’s new comedy and music venue as a shot in the arm for the high street.


The Black Cherry Theatre close to Sainsbury’s has opened its doors and already is receiving rave reviews.


It is delivering a café, licensed bar, comedy, music, theatre, improvisation and rehearsal space – bringing new business to the heart of Boscombe.


There are four creatives behind The Black Cherry which has existed for a number of years, but now has a new, permanent home.


The venue can seat more than 100 in an innovative stage and seating arrangement, which makes it ideal for all types of entertainment.


Rachel Maddix, one of the directors, said: “It’s been whirlwind getting it off the ground but our first weekend was a huge success.


“We were sold out on both Friday and Saturday and the comedians and musicians were all relatively local and really enjoyed it.


“We are open from 11-4pm during the day and from 6-11pm on Friday and Saturday with 12-6pm opening on Sundays.


“For all the listings and event please head to our website.”


Peter Ruscoe, manager of Boscombe’s Sovereign Centre and member of the Coastal BID, said: “They’re having a laugh – and it’s great.


“Black Cherry is the latest of a number of new businesses that have moved into the high street.


“It is wonderful to have an addition to the day-time and night-time economies which will really boost the area.


“There is a great deal of creativity in Boscombe and to have a new venue where it can be expressed means a lot to people here.”



Notes to editors:

The Coastal BID runs from Westbourne to Hengistbury Head. It is one of two BIDs voted through by Bournemouth businesses in April 2012. In this ballot, 73% of those who voted supported the creation of the BID. There are 760 eligible businesses within the Coastal BID area, with a total rateable value of £30 million.


Business Improvement Districts, (BIDs), originated in Canada in the 1980s and quickly spread to the USA.


In January 2004 the Government introduced legislation which created the legal framework for setting up BIDs in Britain. To date over 185 have been established in the UK. They have been credited with halting and reversing the decline in many towns and cities. BIDs last for three or five years. Of the 87 that have come up for renewal, 78 have been voted in for a second term, usually with an increased turnout and majority. BIDs are successful!


BIDs work on simple principles. Businesses decide what projects they wish to undertake to improve the area and their profitability. Every eligible organisation contributes a small percentage of their business rateable value (usually around 1% or 2%). From these many contributions a significant fund is built up which has the power to make a real difference.


Based on a 1.5% levy the Coastal Districts BID generates a core income of c. £466,000. Because of the power of the BID it is possible to attract additional income through voluntary contributions and match funding for key projects etc.


BIDs make places more attractive and exciting to visit, reducing costs to participating businesses, increasing footfall and putting local businesses in control of the additional services which they have funded.


For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 07788392965